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What is the difference between remediation and restoration?


A 'remediation' is the entire process necessary to safely and effectively remove microbial contamination from an interior living space. It usually takes a day of heavy cleaning, perhaps a follow up, and a couple days of mechanical assistance. It does not specify who is going to rebuild it.


A 'restoration' insinuates the process of restoring or putting back materials previously removed as a result of a remediation and may also include a variation of remediation.


The difference is, Restoration is used more loosely to describe construction work being performed as a result of a clean up generally speaking where as Remediation is just the clean up.


At Independent Restorers, we can accommodate our clients with both full remediation and restoration (in most cases) within a competitive price and a reasonable amount of time.

Exhibit D

 - was a slow hissing slab leak. These are pictures of during and after.


Exhibit E

 - came about after a kitchen sink spray wand was known to have been leaking down its shaft.


Exhibit F

 - is a prime example of a couple known water intrusions taken too lightly. The dishwasher water supply line was cross threaded on the appliance and the kitchen sink spray wand would untwist enough for water to migrate back down the shaft into the sink cabinet. The resident didn't know the exact extent of the malfunctioning dishwasher but they knew something was wrong. They knew the wand was a nuisance but considering the cabinet was packed with kitchen supplies, they were willing to look the other way. Lastly, it is never good when the side of a cabinet shows swelling.


Exhibit G

 - was caused by a cracked drain inside the wall. It took a considerable amount of time to notice due to the intermittent activity of the drain. Meaning it only leaked when water passed through it.


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