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Our primary service is to remove contamination.

A biohazard needs no introduction and can be categorized among remediation due to its contamination properties. Biohazard is not just limited to the skull and cross bones we see on poison containers but it can also be associated with a sewage back flow regardless of the volume.  Click for more info.

In a lot of ways a full blown flood causes less damage and is easier to restore than a slow non suspecting drip underneath a counter.  Click for more info.

What is the difference between remediation and restoration? Both are commonly referred to in the same manner but technically inaccurate.  Click for more info.

All carpet cleaning methods are not created equal. The type of fabric will dictate the best possible approach and outcome according to the manufacturer. In our experience, there is really only one way to effectively clean a rental carpet. The old fashioned way...elbow grease and steam.  Click for more info.

We take all pertinent information into account when we answer a request for an inspection. It helps us plan our approach.  We use a variety of tools for our inspections depending on the need.  Click for more info.


Odors come in varieties depending on the source. Some are offending while others may be only slightly noticeable to certain individuals. Cigarette smoke and fire smoke are very similar. Both tedious to remove. Both contain burnt byproducts of synthetics and or chemical laced materials transformed into vapors among others. Those oily vapors are sticky and light enough to penetrate tightly confined gaps such as electrical outlets.
Ultimately, the main source of the odor has got to be discarded prior to any post cleaning procedures for the most effective results generally speaking.

Tile & Grout

Independent Restorers can perform small areas of tile repair and grout replacement or grout and tile cleaning.

Most of what we do is encircled around remediation and restoration although we have been known to be of service otherwise.  Click for more info.

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